Stefan Johansson

The American zone...
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 749
Blev medlem: lör mar 09, 2002 01:00
Ort: Mölndal

Inlägg av SunnyRikard »

Någon som vet vart man hittar Stefan Johansson på nätet? Den sista veckan fungerar inte någon av hans siter

Lite nyheter om Stefan J
We have received a report that Stefan Johannson's new team will be based in California, and Stefan will be using Arcerio's old shop. We are told the team is a done deal, and the only question we have is will they be partnering with Arcerio or buying Arcerio... is reporting that Ryan Hunter-Reay, who is on our most recent poll, has landed a ride at Stefan Johannson's team. Stay tuned for an announcement